Top 10 Beauty Fall 2010 Trends

September 3, 2010

*Velvet Clothing- The fall fashion is going to be a lot more feminine, sensual, inward, and even more sexy! Velvet is coming back stronger than ever! With black velvet looking sleek and minimal, colored velvet, such as wine, midnight blue, and forest green are coming back too! Start wearing velvet...

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Check out the New Website Design and Structure!

August 10, 2010

Check out my redesigned website’s Top 5 new features: New Design and Structure! What do you think? Please leave me some comments at the very bottom of this blog and let me know what you like or do not like… Now you can search by Concern, Or by Category! New...

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Are skin care companies trying to Kill me with Parabens?

July 5, 2010

Hi Ladies, thought I would help clear up some confusion, I am getting a lot of questions about Parabens right now. Please read the following question and answer. "Please answer my question..everytime i browse the net for some articles on skin care i always come across stuff such as "...

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Longer, Thicker, Fuller Eye Lashes, Two Minutes

June 10, 2010

My sister Lindsay is an esthetician here at my day spa, since my new baby has been keeping me busy, she wanted to share with you ladies how she does her lashes in two minutes. SO MANY PEOPLE ask me how to get lashes that look huge instantly, it’s a...

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