Want To Get Rid Of Cellulite? We Know How You Can!

November 15, 2010

Cottage cheese skin, hail damage, and mattress phenomenon are just a few common names for the dreaded, cellulite, which women all over the world experience. But what actually is cellulite? These ‘dimples’ on the skin are fat deposits just beneath the skin’s surface and normally appear on the belly, pelvic...

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Watch Out For Spots!

November 8, 2010

Skin cancer is the most common cancer that affects people nationwide. One out of every five people will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Knowing every inch of your skin can help to detect skin cancer. Every mole, age spot or any strange bump that suddenly appears can trigger an...

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Do you have Sensitive Skin? Don't Stress!

November 1, 2010

Do you have sensitive skin? Is your skin easily irritated? Does your skin react violently to certain chemicals? If you answered yes, then welcome to the club. There are hundreds and thousands of women out there who claim to have sensitive skin which often leaves us feeling helpless. In general...

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Help! I have Stretch Marks!

October 27, 2010

Let’s face it, nobody’s perfect! All of us have imperfections we want to hide from those peering eyes. Women especially have this obsession to achieve perfection. We tend to try all sorts of products to enhance beauty or even put our lives at risk to undergo cosmetic surgery. Instead of...

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6 Simple Steps to Look 6 Years Younger!

October 21, 2010

Want to keep that youthful look and hide your real age? Here are some beauty tricks to cast those years away! 1. Keep those beautiful locks between your chin and your shoulder. Side swept fringes and maintaining shoulder length hair will surely take away those years. 2. Dark lip colours...

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Five collagen products to change your winter skin!

October 19, 2010

Our skin needs to be protected from the harmful elements found in the environment. These toxins destroy our skin, so it is essential to keep our skin nourished at all times. There are effective creams available in the market today for different skin types. This winter, try using these five...

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Skincare Free Giveaway!

October 18, 2010

Hi All! One of my favorite bloggers Anne Marie Sanford from seriously23.blogspot.com/ is doing a giveaway on my behalf. Want some free products, check it out here: "I buy all my beautification products online at SkincarebyAlana.com It's an amazing site from lip gloss to hair products to skin care products....

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Are You Eating Enough Beauty Foods?

October 15, 2010

Beauty relies on the overall health of a woman’s body. We all want our skin to look and feel good, so the best way to achieve this is by watching the foods that we eat! Beauty products can do wonders and improve our appearance but maintaining a well balanced diet...

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