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What's Up With Brown Spots?
What's up with brown spots? Many clients feel like they just showed up one day and moved it! Brown spots, also known as age or liver spots, are annoying and unsightly! The good news is you can get rid of them; but it's important to know the root cause.
Where Do They Come From?
Women who are afraid the name liver spots indicates there is a problem with their liver can rest easy. These brown spots are not an indication of poor health but they do mean your skin is getting damaged by the outer environment. The main cause of brown spots is the excess production of melanin in the skin. The most common reason for this excess production of the pigment is exposure to sunlight. There are very few cases where the brown spots are caused due to the increase in the intake of birth control pills or problems of menopause.
The spots on the skin are harmless. Take them as a sign that the skin is aging and it's time to start taking an anti aging treatment. Not sure where to start? Image Skincare Ageless is a great age fighting regimen. The products work powerfully together to fight all the signs of aging, including brown spots. You can try the trial pack for just $20 bucks!
The good news is that brown spots can be removed through topical creams and medications. A cream or solution, like Epicturen Skin Lightener, should be applied directly to the area where the spots are located. If you go with medication, remember that the melanin pigment protects the skin from the U/V rays of the sunlight. When you are using the medication, it is extra important that your skin is not exposed to the sunlight directly for a long period of time.
Can I Prevent Them From Coming Back?
Brown spots can be prevented from reappearing with the help of antioxidants. Look for products containing Vitamin E and Coenzyme Q 10. The Cyperus Rotundus extract is considered the natural medicine to reduce the increase of the melanin pigment in the skin and last but not the least- Keratin protein helps reduce the spots. Bioelements LigthPlex ($58) reduces and prevents brown spots with natural ingredients like citiric acid, green tea, and coriander.
There you have it! All you need to know to ditch your spots! Don't forget to wear sunscreen and avoid long exposure to sunlight!
From so many requests, I have developed a special page on my shopping cart site skincarebyalana.com with a special page set aside for brown spot products I love, click here to see it. Hope this helps, click here to call or email me with questions!
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