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Keeping Oily Skin at Bay During the Hot Summer Months
I absolutely love summer. But something I don't love about it is the oily skin that tends to come with it. Yes, even the driest of my dry skin clients have experienced the summer shine, and I want to discuss some of the best ways to kiss it goodbye! Embrace confidence and beautiful skin all summer long with the easy tips below.
Bye Bye Oily Skin
Don't Over Cleanse - one of the biggest oil-causing culprits
Adjust Your Products to the Season - I love my luxurious winter moisturizer just as much as the next girl, but it is important to get the right moisturizer for the season
Primer is Your Friend - I know many people who are
Consider Your Makeup - If you tend to be more oily than usual in the summer months, it may be time to consider buying summertime makeup products. Just like skincare, your makeup may need some adjustments throughout the year, so assess your skin and figure out which formula would work best for you. I like powders in the summertime and liquids in the winter.
Blotting Papers are Your Friend - always, I repeat, always have blotting papers ready to use on your person! This will ensure you can whisk away oil on-the-go and in and instant. My favorites are Eminence Organic's Green Tea & Hemp Blotting Tissues and Glo Minerals Blotting Papers. Another great option helps to soak up oil and deliver sheer coverage is a powder sunscreen. I love Colorescience's Sunforgettable Mineral Powder Brush SPF 30 and Eminence Organics Sun Defense Minerals.
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