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Ten Beauty Mistakes You Do Not Want To Commit!
Ditching Eyeliner
When we age, our eyes begin to droop near the corners. Luckily, mascara and liner can be a quick fix! Create a “lifted” look by lining your upper lashes with a dark pencil with the end corner line a little thicker. Then, curl your lashes; add a bit of mascara and voila!
Foundation Filled Lines
Do you think you are covering your wrinkles by using excessive amounts of foundation? Wrong! Adding excess makeup actually magnifies them. When you are applying your foundation make sure you are using a brush. When you are done, take a damp sponge and gently pat it all over your face. This will help to create a matte, soft finish.
That Lipstick is Not Your Color
Using the wrong lipstick color can really change your overall look. Colors like metallic and iridescent shades may not look good for those over 40. Instead, go for a subtle sheen gloss, which will look classy and pretty.
Exfoliation is Key
The older we get, the more we should be exfoliating. As we age, our skin tends to become duller. With a glycolic peel once a week or the use of a good scrub, those dead skin cells should be sloughed off in no time!
Lay off the Concealer!
Too much of anything is not a good thing. When you are applying concealer, try and use a small brush to cover those dark circles under your eyes. Focus mainly on the inner corners. When you are done, put a loose powder over it to help seal the product in.
You look….Orange!
We all love to look tan, but there is a fine line between looking tan and looking orange! Bronzers work great as an alternative and I recommend using one solely on your cheekbones, hairlines, and jaw line. Be extra careful around your nose, eyes, and mouth, because these places contain more oil and will appear shinier with makeup on.
Cute Cut
If you are over 40 and having a problem with your hair, I have a solution! Instead of having a one-length look that tends to make your face look droopy, try a layered haircut! This will accentuate your cheekbones and keep you looking fashionable!
Gimme that SPF!
As I have mentioned in several of my blogs, sunscreen is KEY to success! If you want to have less wrinkles, sun damage, and loose skin, stick to the block!
Our Hands Need Love Too!
Do you have wrinkles on your hands? We spend so much time on our faces, we often forget our hands! Try using a good exfoliator on your hands once every two weeks. This will help the skin on our hands to remain firm!
Frosty Eyes
Be careful not to use frosted eye shadows on your eyes. These metallic shades can highlight fine less and look too harsh.
These tips will surely help me as I continue to age and I hope they will help you too!
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