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Make Your Own Dry Shampoo!
Dry shampoo is the latest craze these days when it comes to hair care. It has been found that washing your hair with regular shampoo can be damaging. But, what actually is dry shampoo? Dry shampoo is a form of powder that has absorbing agents in a form of talcum powder or cornstarch. Fragrances are often incorporated in the dry shampoo for a cleaner and fresher smell. The powder absorbs all the build up and excess oil from your hair and should be left in for a few minutes before combing it out. Keep in mind, my favorite dry shampoo by Keratin Complex ONLY COSTS $24, and in my opinion works better than the do it yourself method, if you want to save yourself the hassle.
By the way, I have made my own dry shampoos countless times in the past. To make sure you know you are not reading advice from some random person, read a bit more about me and my experience, click here or on my picture. Also, you can read THOUSANDS of positive reviews from my customers by clicking my testimonials page, I can help you!
Anyone can use dry shampoo, however, it works best for those with shorter hair. For those with long hair, it is best to apply a dry shampoo when you haven’t washed your hair in 2 or 3 days.
Dry Shampoos may be hard to find, so I have found easy to follow steps to make your own dry shampoo from home!
Here is what you will need:
1. 150 grams (or 5 oz) of coarse-ground couscous, semolina, or cornmeal
2. 30 drops of essential oil from lemon
3. 20 drops of castor oil
Mix all the ingredients together by using your blender. It may get messy, so be conscious of where this mixing process is taking place. After you are done making it, bend your head forward and evenly distribute the mixture both in your hair and scalp. Massage it in your entire head ensuring all areas are covered.
Finally, grab your comb and comb out all the shampoo until all the residue is gone; only leaving your hair shiny. Flip your hair back and you should be able to see the results.
Dry shampoo is great remedy to maintain a healthy and stronger hair as well as an excellent substitute to wet shampooing. I love this mixture and hope you will too!
From so many requests, I have developed a special page on my shopping cart site skincarebyalana.com with a special page set aside to treat split ends, click here to see it.
I have another article that might help you even more titled: The Hottest Haircare for Summer Heat, click here to read it. Hope this helps, click here to call or email me with questions!
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