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Picking the Right Foundation for Your Skin Tone
Picking the right foundation shade can seem like the luck of the draw at times. There are many factors that come into play when selecting: from lighting, to formula, to undertones. What may appear correct under the department store florescents may not look as accurate in the natural light of day. Today I want to talk about some of my favorite tips for selecting the right shade for your personal skin tone. Are you ready for it?
The Foundations of Choosing a Foundation Shade
Figure Out Your Undertone - It is essential that you figure out your undertone before purchasing any face makeup. For those of you who are unfamiliar, an undertone is the subtle cast of color underneath your skin tone. Some people are warm, some are neutral, and others are cool. The best way to figure out your undertone is to look at the inside of your wrist. Warm skin tones will have a more yellow tone to it. Cool tones may sway more toward the pinky, ashy side. And neutrals are typically somewhere in between. If you are unsure, heading to your local beauty store and getting a professional opinion
Have a Reference - If you already own a shade that matches perfectly, or comes pretty close, use it as your reference! It may even say if it is cool or warm, which will prove especially helpful if you are having trouble figuring that out. If you do not have a signurature shade, swatch three and choose the one that matches best. Another great tip is to match your foundation to the skin along your jawline, as the face tends to be a little darker than the rest of your body.
Sometimes it Takes Two - there is no "one shade fits all" guide to making shades. In fact, most people are not going to find the "exact" match to their skin tone, but rather items that come very close. SO, if you seem to be in between shades in that brand you so desperately crave, buy both! You can mix and match and the best part: you can adjust your shade on a day-to-day basis. This means if you catch some
Remember, Application is Everything - Once you find that perfect shade, it is important to apply it correctly. I love using a foundation blush and blending it into my neck. This ensures even, natural looking coverage that doesn't leave the tell-take 'mask line'. Finish your look using a setting spray. I love Model in a Bottle for setting my makeup.
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