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At What Age Should You Start Using Anti-Aging Products
When To Start Using Anti-Aging Products
As a skin care professional, I'm often faced with one very common question: At what age should I start using anti-aging products? If you’ve often wondered this yourself, I'm excited to give you my professional opinion, which is this: If you aren’t already using anti-aging skin care products, today is the perfect time to start! Now, mind you, this doesn't necessarily apply if you're in, let’s say, your teenage years. The best way to battle aging, however, is to take preventative measures. Even as early as your 20’s, you can (and should) be using anti aging skincare products!
Now, to the most important question: What ingredients and products should you be using for anti-aging at different points in your life? Well, that's precisely what we're going to talk about today!
The Right Products at Just the Right Time!
Anti-Aging in Your 20’s. When you're in your 20’s, the idea of aging skin is probably way off your radar. If only that lasted forever, right? :) True, when your skin is young, you can get away with a more minimalistic approach to your skin care regimen. But high-quality products with potent ingredients can keep young skin looking younger, longer. You don't need to pull out the serious anti-aging products just yet, but read labels, moisturize and be sure to protect your beautiful skin (AKA: don't forget sunscreen)! The sun's rays are the biggest cause of wrinkles and other signs of aging, and the only way to get rid of sun damage is actually to prevent it. If you do nothing else, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, all year round. Your future self will thank you.
When in doubt, reach out to your dermatologist or esthetician, as they can work with you one-on-one to find the best anti-aging products for your skin care needs. The bottom line: It's never too early to look ahead.
Anti-Aging in Your 30’s. When you approach your 30’s, adding a high-quality anti-aging product to your skin care regimen is something I highly recommend. Retinol is a popular option (though always discuss this with your esthetician or dermatologist before use) as it is essentially pure vitamin A, and is beneficial for acne-prone skin as well as being a powerful anti-aging solution. Your 30’s is generally when you can expect to start showing more noticeable signs of aging, and figuring out which anti-aging ingredients work best for your skin can help reduce those signs and keep your skin looking younger, longer. Other fabulous ingredients to look into: Glycolic Acid, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin C, and more! Check out these popular Skin Script anti aging skincare products!
Be aware that with any new skin care product, or skin care ingredient, there can be some irritation, so talk with your esthetician or dermatologist to be sure you select the appropriate ingredient and strength level for your needs, and discuss the correct way to use it.
Anti-Aging in Your 40’s. Your 40’s is a bit of a turning point for your skin. You'll begin to notice more signs of aging in the form of lines and wrinkles, as you approach and move through this decade. You may even notice a loss of skin elasticity. I actually discussed this in a recent post so be sure and check that out for a more in-depth look at anti-aging for your 40’s. Now is the time to ramp things up a bit. Begin using a more emollient moisturizer on your skin as well as products that contain higher levels of antioxidants and anti-aging ingredients. If you've been following healthy skin care routines up to now, you'll be ahead of the game, but it's not too late to take more proactive steps to slow down the aging process. And don't forget the effects of lifestyle! Get plenty of rest, follow a (mostly) healthy diet, and get moving. Even moderate levels of exercise are extremely beneficial and will help put that healthy glow back into your skin!
Again: when in doubt or whenever starting a new anti-aging treatment, it is always wise to consult with your skin care professional! This can save you time and money in the long run, and can help minimize the possibility of a negative reaction on your skin.
Anti-Aging in Your 50’s. As you reach your 50s, your sebaceous glands produce less oil, making your skin feel drier than it may have felt in your younger years. On the plus side, you may see fewer acne flare-ups! :) But no woman wants dry skin that feels uncomfortable and reveals wrinkles and fine lines. If you fall into this category, try using a rich, emollient skin cream that contains antioxidants and ceramides (natural lipids that contain moisture) to help your skin retain more moisture, naturally. Also, it is important to be careful about the cleansers you choose. Avoid soaps, with their harsh ingredients that can strip your skin of moisture and oil. Instead, opt for a gentle, mild, creamy cleanser that leaves your skin clean without drying it out.
Anti-Aging in Your 60’s & Beyond. As you move beyond your 50s, wrinkles and fine lines will naturally start to become more prominent. This is totally normal, and while you cannot put a stop on aging altogether, you can use products that will aid you in keeping your skin both healthy and beautiful. Much like your 40’s, you're going to want to reach for more nourishing, potent options. A full routine is not a bad idea at this point, as it can assist you in achieving better results (both immediately and in the long term). This is an age where I feel you should definitely stop into your local esthetician or dermatologists office, as you are going to want a much more customized and targeted approach to anti-aging (no more “pick two products and roll with it” routine).
You can almost view these transitions through the years as adding to what you're already doing for better results – sort of like a layering effect. Though in some cases, a complete switch in product composition and ingredients is indeed called for. That's where your esthetician and becoming a devoted label reader can help. Giving your skin tender loving care, no matter what your age, combined with the use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen make up half the battle when it comes to keeping your skin healthy, fresh and luminous throughout your life.
An Important reminder: Aging is a normal part of life, and no matter how much we may want to believe otherwise, is inevitable. Instead of worrying about getting older, head confidently through the years with grace and wisdom, making the best choices for not only a healthier looking skin but a vibrant, active and healthy life overall.
I’m curious, what have been your favorite anti-aging practices throughout the various periods of your life?
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