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Getting Sofia Vergara Good Looks

Sofia Vergara is one of my absolute beauty idols! At 40 years old she continues to be an absolute bombshell, with fabulous skin to boot. So, what did I do? I got the inside scoop on some of her favorite beauty secrets, and I want to share them with you! From Modern Family, to Cover Girl, to Pepsi, to Fashion Designer, and more, Vergara continues to sparkle and only seems to get better with age! Or at least stay frozen in time. So, are you ready to get the details on her favorite beauty tips? Enjoy!

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Sofia Vergara: 40 & Fabulous

  • SOFIA VERGARA | BEAUTY TIPS | SECRETS | ANTI AGING | CELEBRITY SKIN | SKINCARE | GORGEOUS | BOMBSHELL | MODERN FAMILY | COVERGIRL | PEPSI | FASHION | SKINCARE BY ALANALive Healthy - Vergara attributes much of her good health to staying away from bad habits. No smoking, no drugs. She also tries to keep herself from over-indulging in sweets, limiting it to once a day.
  • Sunscreen All Over - Sofia has always been an avid user of sunscreen on her face, but admits that she wishes she had put some on her decollete as well! Which is just as important as your face.
  • Makeup - Even if it is just a pinch of blush, Vergara prefers going out with a little splash of makeup. She says it helps to boost her confidence. True to CoverGirl form, she enjoys Mascara as well. Her lashes are naturally blonde.
  • Indulge on Weekends - Sofia admits that she comes from a culture where indulgence is encouraged. But she disciplined herself to limit indulgence on weekdays. Monday-Friday she eats healthy and limits the wine, but on weekends she enjoys whatever she'd like! I love this beauty ritual.
  • Don't Sweat The Small Stuff - Many people are surprised to find out that Sofia battled and beat Thyroid cancer in her early 20's. The biggest lesson she learned from this experience? Not to sweat the small stuff! Life is too short. Embrace the positive and try not to stress on the negative.
  • Working Out - Vergara is first to admit that she is NOT a fan of exercise. But she does see the value and as such tries to workout at least 3 days a week. I am a huge advocate of getting out and getting some exercise. Even if you go for a leisurely walk around your neighborhood, or stroll along the beach!
  • Work With What You've Got - the tagline of Vergara's very own fashion line says it all. She urges women to embrace their strong suites, and feel confident in them. Even if you aren't a fan of other parts of your body. Focus on the positive, and flaunt it! Be confident.

All in all, I would say that Sofia Vergara is definitely a force to be reckoned with. She is beautiful, sweet, and absolutely hilarious. And she gives excellent beauty advice! Until next time.


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